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ICOMOS Sri Lanka

ICOMOS Sri Lanka is the ‘National Committee’ of the International Council on Monuments and Sites (ICOMOS).

ICOMOS was created in 1965 and works for the conservation and protection of cultural heritage places.

ICOMOS Sri Lanka

Join ICOMOS Sri Lanka to protect and conserve our heritage for the future generation.


Disseminating information about heritage and its preservation and management.

What we do

Learn more about National Scientific Committees, public lectures, seminars, workshops by ICOMOS Sri Lanka.

ICOMOS Sri Lanka National Heritage List

Sri Lanka has a rich and diverse cultural heritage ranging from the pre-historic period to modern times. It consists of humble pre-historic cave dwellings to storied royal palaces, megalithic burials to gigantic stupas, ornamental ponds to man-made great tanks, gardens to panoramic landscapes, etc., which are rapidly disappearing from our land and are also not considered for protection. The properties with heritage values will be listed in ICOMOS Sri Lanka’s National Heritage List. Once the nominations are received by the ICOMOS Sri Lanka Secretariat, they will be evaluated by two committees. The Technical Evaluation Committee is appointed by the Council of ICOMOS Sri Lanka, and with their recommendations, the information shall be forwarded to the Scientific Committee, which is also appointed by the Council of ICOMOS Sri Lanka, whose task is to make the final recommendations to the Council of ICOMOS Sri Lanka regarding the nominations of heritage properties to be inscribed on the ICOMOS Sri Lanka National Heritage List.

ICOMOS Sri Lanka Events

Monthly Lecture

The ICOMOS Sri Lanka’s Public Lecture will be held on 09th January (Thursday) at PGIAR Auditorium at 6.00 pm. It will be conducted by Archaeologist Chithra Dambadeniarachchi, titled “The Importance of Heritage Management and Preservation of Wooden Buildings in Relation to Ancient Wooden Monuments in the Gampaha District.“.

Dr. Roland Silva on his fifth death anniversary

We are pleased to inform you that a physical event has been organized to commemorate Dr. Roland Silva on his fifth death anniversary. The event will take place at the PGIAR Auditorium, starting at 2.00 PM
 on 2nd January 2025 . Please find the event poster attached below for your reference. We cordially invite all members of ICOMOS Sri Lanka to join us in honoring the memory of Dr. Roland Silva